Wonga News

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What You Need to Know About Debt Management

Debt management is when you actively prioritise, plan, and control your repayments on various loans, bonds, or other forms of credit. To manage your debt, you’ll always want to follow best practices and avoid taking on too many loans. Here, we’ll run through how you can take proactive steps to become debt-savvy, and what to do if you feel that you’ve borrowed too much. Remind me, what...

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Practical Saving Tips to get the New Year off to a great start

For many of us, the start of a new year is a stressful financial period after the expense of enjoying the festive season. For this reason, the term ‘Januworry’ has only become more popular!  While December can be a difficult month to manage financially, there are several practical things you can do to help manage your cash flow, identify investment opportunities, and potentially save...

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South Africa's Festive Spending Set to Rise to Over R250 Billion

Research has revealed that South Africans will each incur an average of R6 585 in festive expenses this summer, over and above their usual budgeted expenses. Based on Statistics SA’s mid-year population size estimates, working aged South Africans are set to pump R254 billion into the economy, an increase of 24% from last year. As part of our Festive Spending Survey, almost 6 000 South...

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Our Financial Guide to Surviving the Festive Season

The festive season means a time of joy, celebration, and relaxation for many – however, this can also bring stress and frustration while managing finances along with gifts, travel expenses, and holiday plans. Fortunately, there are several ways that you can budget and plan ahead to ensure that not only is your holiday season stress-free, but that you can set yourself up for success in...

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Busting Popular Myths about Credit

When it comes to applying for credit, there are many myths and misconceptions that range from your credit report, your credit score, or even whether an employer can choose to turn down your job application based on your credit history. Here, we’ll unpack some popular credit myths and offer insight into how you can improve your credit score and take control of your finances. Credit rep...

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What to Do When You’ve Blown Your Budget

Budgeting is difficult when things don’t go according to plan. However, there are many ways you can manage your cash flow. Here are some starting points. Review your situation Best practice is to stick as closely to your budget as possible, but things don’t always work out that way, and that’s ok. Sometimes unforeseen expenses or emergencies can complicate your financial situation. It...

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Our Guide to Great Free Financial Literacy Resources

To become financially literate, you’ll need the best resources to #MasterYourMoney. We’ve rounded up some awesome websites and online tools to get you started! As you begin or continue your journey to financial literacy, you’ll want to refine your understanding of key money concepts and make sure that you have access to the best tools available to master maintaining a budget, managing...

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Understanding Your Income: What You Need to Know

While most of us are usually very familiar with our expenses - whether that means our regular payments, what we choose to splurge on, or working with a budget - few of us delve in to understand the varying forms of income, or how income tax works. Our Financial Wellbeing Report found that 87% of South Africans aspire to earn more than R20,000.00 per month - and the key to managing a s...

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